Play Dough and Mud Pies: Is Your Child Really Learning in Preschool?

Step into your child's preschool classroom, and you are likely to encounter what appears to be slightly controlled chaos. At one table, a group of children may be happily smearing paint across paper, while another group of children is pretending to bake a cake in the home center. At first glance, this is all very cute. However, you may also find yourself questioning whether or not your child is learning anything in this type of environment.

3 Questions To Ask When Looking For A Child Care Program For Your Child With Special Needs

If you're the parent of a special needs child, you may be worried about child care programs and finding the right fit for your child. Below are three questions to ask when deciding whether a program is right for your child and whether the program can adequately cater to your child's needs. Are the Staff Able to Handle Your Child's Needs? The most important question is the most obvious, but since there are many facets to this one question, it needs to be considered carefully.

3 Items Your Preschooler's Backpack Should Always Contain

Sending your child to preschool is always exciting. It means that your child is going out into the world, meeting other people, learning valuable skills to help him or her be successful, and having fun. It can also be nerve wracking for you because this is usually the first time that you are sending your child off and that he or she is going to be away from you. Regardless of how well your child takes this predicament, you might find yourself preoccupied with feelings of anxiety.